Tengfei Shi

Week 5, blog post 4 Public PLN – Balancing PLN, Media Literacy, & Public Discourse

I think planning can mainly include the following parts: first subdividing user groups, and then planning your own positioning according to user groups. Secondly, the content is the foundation of everything. According to the positioning, provide the corresponding original content, and make compelling, clear, practical and enlightening content for key public audiences, which can greatly improve the representativeness and professionalism of your social media. Because consumers trust information sources that they think are insightful and qualified in content, providing relevant content on a regular basis can achieve this goal. The methods of attracting potential customers from social media can be summed up in three aspects: content, background and consistency. When you publish content that is consistent with your industry or expertise, and help your audience build their views on important topics in your industry, you can generate more public audiences.

Through social media and public contact, we can share the beauty of life with others. Sharing interesting things can stimulate our enthusiasm for a better life and transmit positive energy. Discussion with like-minded people is not limited by time or place, and the communication cost is greatly reduced. Your talents can also be appreciated and recognized on social media. But the risks are also obvious. First of all, all traces you leave on social media will be seen, and it will be easy to encounter human flesh search and cyber bullying. Secondly, it is easy to encourage bad atmosphere. On social media, in order to attract others’ attention, many people over-decorate the published content and disguise themselves. This also encourages people’s mentality of keeping up with the joneses. Finally, it will take up a lot of our time. When the public and people in important positions use social media to communicate with the public, their private space will be further compressed, and this situation of being completely exposed to the public’s perspective will cause great negative effects on the individual’s mind and body. And most people in important positions are not suitable to be exposed to the public environment.

On the basis of considering the value of actual news information, media literacy may guarantee the comprehensive and complete respect for factual information, so conflicts may arise. Having a PLN that respects media literacy can make its learning information sources more reliable and secure, and ensure the accuracy and comprehensiveness of knowledge acquisition.

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